NEWS FLASH-9/5/11-SOLARBEAM RECEIVES SRCC CERTIFICATE #2011034A, The first parabolic concentrator in the world to receive a SRCC rating!
NEWS FLASH-9/5/11- FIRST SOLARBEAM installed in Massachusetts, second in all USA, and now direct web monitoring of Production (see Video below and ask for password).
NEWS FLASH-9/8/11-LIVE website of performance. Go to: And enter username vineyardguest1 and password @N30701 choose link at upper left called DISH and choose Marthas Vineyard Site and refresh icon next to this to get updated readings
Southern New England Solar-Technologies LLC (SNES) is the exclusive distributor of the SolarBeam for the states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.
If you want Solar hot water, here are your current choices:
There are three primary ways to heat water with the sun for residential or commercial use; a flat panel collector, an evacuated tube collector, and now a Parabolic Solar Concentrator (called the SolarBeam). For a typical residential home, if you are just heating your domestic hot water, a flat panel or evacuated tube system is more than adequate, however, if you have a large heating need, the best choice is a parabolic solar concentrator. And starting in 2012, the SolarBeam will also be producing up to 4.0 kW of electricity at the same time it is heating your water using the latest multi junction solar cell technology, currently designed by Boeing for space vehicles, which are 60% for more efficient than any other current PV photocells currently available. These high heat cells are used in conjunction with a new technology called CPV, or concentrator photo voltaic. The SolarBeam is already the most powerful solar thermal collector in the world, for its size, using the latest space age two axis tracking system and is made in the USA . The installation cost is similar to the equivalent cost for installation of flat panel or evacuated systems, and you will see the payback time is also greatly reduced due to the higher efficiencies, the hotter water temperatures, and by two axis direct solar tracking.
One of our parabolic concentrators is equal to (see photos below):
In addition, the SolarBeam will be able to produce, under the same sun conditions, much hotter water (up to 230 F degrees in the winter) as compared to 130 degrees for an evacuated tube system and 110 degrees for a flat plate system, in our cold winter New England climate. And in the summer months if you don’t need the extra heat, the SolarBeam automatically points away from the sun, which no flat plate collector or any other collector can do, saving you the expense of a costly heat dump or damage to your system from overheating.
See YouTube Video Part 1 here:
Also, if space is a premium, the SolarBeam is your only choice as it would take over 4 times as much surface area using the other technologies to get the same thermal results.
SolarBeam is made in the USA, while most flat plate and evacuated tubes systems are manufactured in China. Here is a brief description of what a solar parabolic collector is:
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Technical Information: Pamphlet [PDF]